Infor LN 10.x – La secuenciación como modelo de fabricación para industrias 4.0 En la realidad de la industria fabril, sino el aspecto más crítico, seguro que uno de los más importantes, es la necesidad de optimizar la cadena productiva, para maximizar la eficacia, o dicho de otro modo, para reducir costes de fabricación. Hoy…
Infor LN 10.6 – Mandatory Planning Cluster. Up to LN 10.6 it is possible to set up inconsistent planning scenarios, leading to either missing or doubled supply advices. For example: a job shop order with the supplying warehouses in different clusters than the receiving warehouse. Because the setup in the planning area is most often…
Infor LN 10.6 – Line Side Labeling. It is the requirement of many suppliers, that containers must be labeled during production with the customer specific shipping labels. Therefore, Line Side Labeling has been implemented for production of the type ‘Repetitive’ and ‘Job Shop’. After the quantities are reported complete, when the finished goods are received…
Infor LN 10.6 – Production Order Versions. In an engineering-to-order scenario, the design phase and the production phase often overlap. Sometimes the production order for an item is already released or active when a new revision of the item is introduced. By enabling the production order version control, it is now possible to change an…
Infor LN 10.x – Como las agendas colaborativas mejoran la eficiencia de un equipo. Hoy presentamos la capacidad que Infor LN, de forma nativa, tiene para gestionar agendas individuales y/o conjuntas en entornos colaborativos, dicho de otra forma, las agendas del equipo o de la persona se “construyen” dinámicamente con el conjunto de tareas que…
Infor LN – Configurador de productos. A continuación, os presentamos una de las herramientas más poderosas dentro del portafolio de productos Infor, gracias al cual, clientes que buscan maximizar su capacidad de adaptación a clientes, dotan de flexibilidad sus procesos de negocio, lo que acaba por traducirse en una mejora en el nivel de servicio…
Use the Infor LN Extension Modeler to add the logic around CDFs and how to tailor standard components. Infor LN 10.5/10.6 contains these extension points: Table Session Report BOD Menu In the Extension Modeler, you can set properties and hooks for those components. The implementation of the extension point for one component is called an…
Infor LN 10.6 – NEW REPORT MODELERAs part of the incredible improvement in the user experience area, in LN 10.6 a new Report Designer session is available to personalize reports. In the Report Designer, users can modify existing report layouts, and change the properties of report fields and labels, add company logos, bar codes, and images to the…
Infor LN 10.6 – New item type Item types “Purchased” and “Manufactured” are merging into a new item type called “Product” A. Application logic moved to Supply Source B. This change is a pre-requisite to Multi-Site C. Item Types: Product, Tool or Cos D. Default Supply Source: Product: Distribution, Assembly, Repetitive, Job Shop, Subcontract or…
Infor LN 10.6 – Multi Site Infor strengthens his multicompany solution with «MULTI SITE» concept. With this new functionality, clientes will be able to design their business with only one mono-logistic company, getting easier and more flexible model, avoiding the complexity of intercompany transactions. Old constrainst about costing , BOM, and other logistic concepts with…